Creative direction
Art direction
Custom photoshoot
Design development
Photography credit {to add}
OBJECTIVE: Member Acquisition, Brand Awareness & Recognition, Revenue, Engagements
BRIEF: O-Week is the peak moment of activity for any brands targeting students. This campaign needs an overarching creative identity that appeals to new and existing students, with the flexibility to work across owned, earned or paid channels. UNiDAYS will also have an experiential activation on campus, so the concept will need to work with that, too.
DELIVERABLES: Hype, O-Week and category creative spanning - custom tiles, newsletters, socials, eDMs, push notifications, blogs, DOOH, YouTube, splash page.
RATIONALE: O-WEEK represents a time of change and new beginnings, and we want to help students start this new chapter with a bang! A summer music festival type of bang, to be exact. UNiDAYS - Student Fest will tour around UNiVERSITIES, our app and our new landing page to showcase the most STAND-OUT summer line-up - our wonderful brands! Including a mix of sideshows (micro campaigns). AU & NZ students alike will be drawn into this faux tour with DOOH, emails, YouTube and socials ALL created through an in-house photoshoot using UNiDAYS members.
Stay tuned for these headliners, because they’re coming to a UNiVERSITY near you!